Thursday, March 28, 2013

Big Kid Sleep Overs - Oatmeal Bar

I've posted before about enjoying having my kids have their friends come over in my post about being the “Hang Out House”. One thing about kids….boys in particular… is that they like to eat. I’m trying to sway my kids away from the processed cereals for breakfast. I switched to the ones I believe are healthy a long time ago, but organic or not, high in fiber or not, they are still boxed processed cereals. We try to eat a lot of Old Fashion Oatmeal for breakfast. My kids love it, so I figured it might work for sleepovers too. It was a hit. I was actually told that I made the best oatmeal ever! What Mom doesn’t love to hear that? Granted, it’s oatmeal and I can’t take any credit for it…still.. I’ll take a complement when it comes. It was all in the presentation.

 This was our selection for the morning:

Cut bananas and strawberries
canned peaches  ( a huge hit!)
brown sugar
almond slivers (my favorite)

That's it. Super easy. All I had to do was cook the oatmeal and the kids did the rest. I like the easy part. My son had 3 friends over and I really didn't feel like making a million pancakes...because when you have 5 hungry boys that's how many pancakes you need....a million. Oatmeal...much easier:)

Edit:  One of my favorite blogs just posted an amazing amount of information on ways to make oatmeal. I wish I had seen it a long time ago:)  You'll want to see this. Check out Modern Messy Kids at

Is breakfast ready yet Mom?


  1. Looks delicious! I love your topping choices. Yum!

    1. Thanks...I just saw your post on oatmeal. Wow! What great info you have on that post. I had to share. I'll be trying all of them.

  2. Hi Julie! First I'd like to say thanks for joining my blog!!

    Second, these oatmeal bars look like they would be very yummy. My kids don't much like oatmeal, but they do like the bars. I may have to try these!! Thanks for posting, and thanks again for following!! :)


    1. thanks....your mini strawberry pies looks amazing....and so cute! I like cute food. I don't make it enough, you inspired me.

  3. Thank you for stopping by to enter the handbag and hardware contest! Wow, what an adorable puppy!!! Good luck in the contest. Hmmm.... I need to get my son eating more oatmeal. Janelle

    1. I was looking at your blog again and am just amazed at how pretty those bags are! I never have time to sew in gardening season..but I'll be back for sure.
